I am trained in RTT - Rapid Transformational Therapy, a pioneering hybrid therapy which combines the most beneficial techniques and principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychology, Psychotherapy, NLP and CBT. This may sound overwhelming but what I love most about my therapy is it's simplicity, we use the hypnotherapy to look directly at the root of any problem you may be facing. Once you address the root cause then you have the power to free yourself from it. Sessions can be done in person here in Lisbon or also Online.
My Therapy can be used to break bad habits, flip negative patterns, banish self-doubt, remove blocks and dissolve fears.
Realising and recognising how powerful your mind is through Hypnotherapy can make you see how to heal your body,
loose weight for good, or have the baby you always wanted,
and really have the life you've dreamed of.
It's a myth to think that as a man you don't need to have feelings or experience overwhelming pain. I encourage men to come forward and discuss their problems, we know you are out there and how you feel is important.
There really is nothing to worry about when it comes to being hypnotised. You have actually been there before, we quite often go into a hypnotic state whilst driving a familiar route or watching TV. You will be completely aware of what is happening and in total control of everything. By simply being hypnotised and allowing the subconscious mind to come forward we can address what lies beneath.
Unresolved traumas can become buried and if not addressed they can cause other parts of the body to suffer. Hypnotherapy allows us to look over (not re-live) these traumas and address them properly and change how they affect us.
The end of the session consists of a transformation, to flip around any negative beliefs you may have been subconsciously harming yourself with. You will also take this away as a recording for you to wire in the new beliefs to move forward with your life.
Rowena Hypnotherapy as featured in INSIDEHOOK magazine https://www.insidehook.com/article/health-and-fitness/health-hypnosis
Please get in touch to arrange a no obligation consultation.
Best Wishes Rowena
RTT as devoloped by Marisa Peer
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